Don't change XFWM theme or mouse cursor size on reboot #23

tio merged 1 commits from rokosun-patch-1 into main 2023-10-13 21:58:54 +00:00

Also made the code easier to read by using descriptive functions and read-only variables. Removed some unnecessary comments that cluttered the code.

Also made the code easier to read by using descriptive functions and read-only variables. Removed some unnecessary comments that cluttered the code.
rokosun added 1 commit 2023-10-12 14:55:27 +00:00
Also made the code easier to read by using descriptive functions and read-only variables. Removed some unnecessary comments that cluttered the code.
tio merged commit 07f4fc3c64 into main 2023-10-13 21:58:54 +00:00
rokosun deleted branch rokosun-patch-1 2023-10-14 20:00:13 +00:00
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