Merge pull request 'Don't set the XFWM theme twice' () from rokosun-patch-1 into main

This commit is contained in:
Tio TROM 2023-10-27 15:18:39 +02:00
commit fb1c550768

@ -71,22 +71,27 @@ set_xfwm_theme() {
# Use the highDPI variant of the XFWM theme
use_hdpi_theme_variant() {
local -r current_xfwm_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
[ -n "$1" ] && local -r xfwm_theme="$1" ||
local -r xfwm_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)
for variant in xhdpi hdpi; do
# If this variant of the theme is already enabled then break out of the loop
[ "${current_xfwm_theme##*-}" = "$variant" ] && break
[ "${xfwm_theme##*-}" = "$variant" ] && break
# Store the name for this variant of the theme in highDPI_theme variable
local -r highDPI_theme=$current_xfwm_theme-$variant
local highDPI_theme=$xfwm_theme-$variant
if theme_exists "$highDPI_theme"; then
set_xfwm_theme "$highDPI_theme"
[ "$1" != 'disable_notification' ] &&
[ -z "$1" ] &&
notify-send "XFWM theme changed to $highDPI_theme" "Changed to the highDPI variant of your chosen theme because you've enabled highDPI on your system"
if ! theme_exists "$highDPI_theme"; then
[ -n "$1" ] && theme_exists "$1" && set_xfwm_theme "$1"
# Use the normal variant of the XFWM theme
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ use_normal_theme_variant() {
[ "${current_xfwm_theme##*-}" != "$variant" ] && continue
# Store the name for the normal variant of this theme in normal_theme variable
local -r normal_theme=${current_xfwm_theme%-"$variant"}
local normal_theme=${current_xfwm_theme%-"$variant"}
if theme_exists "$normal_theme"; then
set_xfwm_theme "$normal_theme"
@ -156,10 +161,12 @@ sync_theme() {
# Apply the current theme for XFWM unless it's initial_sync on system reboot
if [ "$1" != 'initial_sync' ]; then
set_xfwm_theme "$current_theme"
# Use the highDPI variant of the XFWM theme if the current_window_scaling factor is 2
[ "$current_window_scaling" -eq '2' ] && use_hdpi_theme_variant 'disable_notification'
if [ "$current_window_scaling" -eq '2' ]; then
use_hdpi_theme_variant "$current_theme"
set_xfwm_theme "$current_theme"
# Cleanup flatpak_themes_dir and remove ~/.config/gtk-4.0