Add support for all package managers by using $XDG_DATA_DIRS instead

Automatically find out all other_applications_dirs by looking at the $XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable.
Also fix bug by declaring variables separately.
This commit is contained in:
Rokosun 2023-02-06 19:50:58 +01:00
parent fb3b3e1cf5
commit a0fd0f4856
1 changed files with 26 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -4,23 +4,26 @@
pidof -sq -o %PPID -x "$(basename "$0")" && exit
# Setting read-only variables
declare -r \
datadir="$HOME"/.local/share/fix-zombie-appicons \
backup_dir="$datadir"/backup \
declare -r datadir="$HOME"/.local/share/fix-zombie-appicons
declare -r backup_dir="$datadir"/backup
declare -r datafile="$datadir"/tweaked-desktop-files
# Directories where desktop files are stored
declare -r home_local_applications_dir="$HOME/.local/share/applications" \
# Desktop files stored here will take precedence over the other ones
declare -r home_local_applications_dir="$HOME/.local/share/applications"
# All the other directories except home_local_applications_dir where desktop files are stored
declare -r other_applications_dirs=(
# Go through each item in $XDG_DATA_DIRS to find all other directories
# except home_local_applications_dir where desktop files are stored, and
# save these to other_applications_dirs
while read -r dir; do
# Directories inside user's home directory
[[ "$full_dir_path" = "$HOME"/* ]] && dirs_inside_user_home+=("$full_dir_path")
done < <(echo "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" | tr ':' '\n' | sort -u | grep -vFx "$home_local_applications_dir")
declare -r other_applications_dirs dirs_inside_user_home
# Create tempfile which is used by the fix_desktop_files function
@ -92,23 +95,26 @@ fix_desktop_files() {
# Create some directories in the user's home directory if they don't already exist
mkdir -p "$backup_dir" "$home_local_applications_dir" "$home_local_flatpak_applications_dir" ||
{ echo "failed to make directories $backup_dir, $home_local_applications_dir & $home_local_flatpak_applications_dir"; exit 1; }
mkdir -p "$datadir" "$backup_dir" "$home_local_applications_dir" ||
{ echo "failed to make directories $datadir, $backup_dir & $home_local_applications_dir"; exit 1; }
# Try to create dirs_inside_user_home if they don't already exist
[ ${#dirs_inside_user_home[@]} -gt 0 ] && mkdir -p "${dirs_inside_user_home[@]}"
# Check which directories currently exist on the user's system so that inotifywait can monitor them for changes
for dir in "$home_local_applications_dir" "${other_applications_dirs[@]}"; do
[ -d "$dir" ] && existing_dirs+=("$dir")
[ -d "$dir" ] && currently_existing_dirs+=("$dir")
# Both functions will be run once when the script first starts
# Inotifywait monitors existing_dirs and the functions are run each time when there is a change in relevant directories
# Inotifywait monitors currently_existing_dirs and the functions are run each time when there is a change in relevant directories
while IFS='' read -r line; do
if [ "$line" = "$home_local_applications_dir/" ]; then
done < <(inotifywait -qm --format '%w' --include '\.desktop$' -e 'move,move_self,create,delete,delete_self,unmount' "${existing_dirs[@]}")
done < <(inotifywait -qm --format '%w' --include '\.desktop$' -e 'move,move_self,create,delete,delete_self,unmount' "${currently_existing_dirs[@]}")