Rokosun rokosun
  • Joined on 2022-06-09
rokosun pushed to fix-tweaked-desktop-files at TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-19 18:35:34 +00:00
1a1819cf05 New code for fix-tweaked-desktop-files
rokosun created pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#8 2022-09-19 12:10:22 +00:00
Listen for more specific events using inotifywait
rokosun created branch rokosun-patch-1 in TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-19 12:09:50 +00:00
rokosun pushed to rokosun-patch-1 at TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-19 12:09:50 +00:00
275a4eebe7 Listen for more specific events using inotifywait
rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/tromjaro-autosnap-package#1 2022-09-19 10:21:16 +00:00
Add back AbortOnFail

@tio: The whole reason for making this package was to add back this option, right? It'll prevent the update from taking place when a backup fails.

rokosun created pull request TROMjaro/tromjaro-autosnap-package#1 2022-09-19 10:20:11 +00:00
Add back AbortOnFail
rokosun created branch rokosun-patch-1 in TROMjaro/tromjaro-autosnap-package 2022-09-19 10:19:42 +00:00
rokosun pushed to rokosun-patch-1 at TROMjaro/tromjaro-autosnap-package 2022-09-19 10:19:42 +00:00
f1254a3b82 Add back AbortOnFail
rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#7 2022-09-18 22:56:24 +00:00
Replace if statement with case statement

TBF, I also pressed a button and it marked that conversation as resolved, so Tio might've thought that everything is finished. This is what happens when a bunch of newbies try out git for the…

rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#7 2022-09-18 22:48:29 +00:00
Replace if statement with case statement

Oh that makes sense, I got confused for a moment there, haha 😄

rokosun created pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#7 2022-09-18 22:46:07 +00:00
Replace if statement with case statement
rokosun pushed to rokosun-patch-1 at TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-18 22:40:45 +00:00
06ccad7d89 Update 'bin/periodic/fix-theming'
rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#5 2022-09-18 22:36:11 +00:00
Use the -m option in xfconf-query to monitor for changes

Oh of course it makes sense to use a case statement here, why didn't I think of it before? lol 😄

rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#5 2022-09-18 20:11:55 +00:00
Use the -m option in xfconf-query to monitor for changes

@tio: Test this and let me know if you find any bugs, when you're satisfied with the script then you can merge it.

rokosun created pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#5 2022-09-18 20:06:24 +00:00
Use the -m option in xfconf-query to monitor for changes
rokosun created branch rokosun-patch-1 in TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-18 20:05:58 +00:00
rokosun pushed to rokosun-patch-1 at TROMjaro/fixes-package 2022-09-18 20:05:58 +00:00
73471917ef Use the -m option in xfconf-query to monitor for changes
rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#3 2022-09-18 18:17:00 +00:00
Add systemd timers to run the fixes periodically

To switch to the timers though we need to modify the fix scripts, since they store a state in the loop and to remove the loop, we need to store previous values somewhere else (for example, in…

rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#2 2022-09-18 11:09:15 +00:00
Add a script to restart fixes during the package upgrade

Does it work now? Or it still doesn't restart the scripts?

rokosun commented on pull request TROMjaro/fixes-package#2 2022-09-18 11:00:41 +00:00
Add a script to restart fixes during the package upgrade

I'm still learning how these git features work, lol 😄