from std/osproc import execProcess, ProcessOption, startProcess, waitForExit, close from std/os import symlinkExists, getConfigDir, putEnv, `/` from std/strutils import split, endsWith, strip from std/algorithm import fill from std/strformat import fmt import owlkettle const # Set the directory path where icons are stored iconsDir = "/usr/share/tromjaro-theme-switcher/icons" # GTK CSS for overriding the default icon size of buttons gtkCSS = "button { -gtk-icon-size: 22mm; }" themeColors = ["Grey", "Pink", "Green", "Orange", "Purple", "Yellow", "Teal"] themeStyles = ["Light", "Nord", "Dark", "Dark-Nord"] proc runCommand(command: string, args: openArray[string]): bool = ## This will run a command with the given args and return true upon success let process = startProcess(command, args=args, options={poParentStreams}) result = process.waitForExit() == 0 process.close() proc setIconTheme(iconName: string) = # Change icon theme in XFCE discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query", args=["--channel=xsettings", "--property=/Net/IconThemeName", "--create", "--type=string", "--set", iconName]) proc enableDarkPanels(): bool = # Return if dark panels is already enabled if execProcess("/usr/bin/xfconf-query", args=["--channel=xfce4-panel", "--property=/panels/dark-mode"], options={}) == "true\n": return # Try to enable it and return true upon success result = runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query", args=["--channel=xfce4-panel", "--property=/panels/dark-mode", "--create", "--type=bool", "--set=true"]) proc setTheme(themeName: string) = var panelNotification: string # Set the icon theme and panel color according to the chosen theme if themeName.endsWith("-Dark") or themeName.endsWith("-Dark-Nord"): setIconTheme("zafiro-dark") else: setIconTheme("zafiro") if enableDarkPanels(): panelNotification = " with dark panels" # Change the main theme to the chosen one discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query", args=["--channel=xsettings", "--property=/Net/ThemeName", "--create", "--type=string", "--set", themeName]) # Send notification about the theme change sendNotification("com.tromjaro.ThemeSwitcher", "Theme Switcher", fmt"{themeName} theme{panelNotification} is enabled", icon=fmt"{iconsDir}/{themeName}.svg") # Prevent loading GTK theme from ~/.config/gtk-4.0 directory when it is a symlink if symlinkExists(getConfigDir() / "gtk-4.0"): putEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/dev/null") var lastClickedButton: array[2, int] # Display the GTK-4 GUI using owlkettle viewable App: # 2D array storing the style for each button buttonStyles: array[themeStyles.len(),array[themeColors.len(), StyleClass]] hooks: build: # Make all buttons flat by default for index in 0..state.buttonStyles.high(): fill(state.buttonStyles[index], ButtonFlat) let currentTheme: string = execProcess("/usr/bin/xfconf-query", args=["--channel=xsettings", "--property=/Net/ThemeName"], options={}).strip(leading=false, trailing=true, chars={'\n'}) let currentThemeSplit: seq[string] = currentTheme.split('-', 2) if currentThemeSplit.len() < 3 or currentThemeSplit[0] != "Colloid": return let currentThemeColorIndex = find(themeColors, currentThemeSplit[1]) let currentThemeStyleIndex = find(themeStyles, currentThemeSplit[2]) if -1 in [currentThemeColorIndex, currentThemeStyleIndex]: return # Highlight current theme button state.buttonStyles[currentThemeStyleIndex][currentThemeColorIndex] = ButtonSuggested lastClickedButton = [currentThemeStyleIndex, currentThemeColorIndex] method view(app: AppState): Widget = result = gui: Window: title = "TROMjaro Theme Switcher" # Shrink window to the smallest size defaultSize = (0, 0) # Vertical box Box(orient = OrientY, margin = 7, spacing = 5): Label: text= "A Theme Switcher for TROMjaro's default theme-set (Colloid) and icon-set (Zafiro)." for y, themeStyle in themeStyles: # Horizontal box Box(orient = OrientX, spacing = 5): for x, themeColor in themeColors: Button {.vAlign: AlignCenter, hAlign: AlignCenter.}: icon = fmt"Colloid-{themeColor}-{themeStyle}" # Teal-Dark-Nord theme will have "(default)" added to its tooltip tooltip = if (themeColor, themeStyle) == ("Teal", "Dark-Nord"): fmt"{themeColor}-{themeStyle} (default)" else: fmt"{themeColor}-{themeStyle}" style = app.buttonStyles[y][x] proc clicked() = var thisButton = [y, x] setTheme(fmt"Colloid-{themeColor}-{themeStyle}") # Highlight this button app.buttonStyles[y][x] = ButtonSuggested if lastClickedButton != thisButton: # Remove highlight from lastClickedButton app.buttonStyles[lastClickedButton[0]][lastClickedButton[1]] = ButtonFlat lastClickedButton = thisButton brew("com.tromjaro.ThemeSwitcher", gui(App()), icons=[iconsDir], stylesheets=[newStylesheet(gtkCSS)])