
# Set the directory path where icons are stored
declare -r icons_dir=/usr/share/tromjaro-theme-switcher/icons

set_icon_theme() {
	# Change icon theme in XFCE
	xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -n -t string -s "$1"

enable_dark_panels() {
	# Enable dark panels if not already enabled
	[ "$(xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/dark-mode)" != 'true' ] &&
		xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/dark-mode -n -t bool -s true &&
		panel_notification=" with dark panels"

set_theme() {
	local -r theme="$1"
	unset panel_notification

	# Set the icon theme and panel color according to the chosen theme
	case "$theme" in
			set_icon_theme 'zafiro-dark'
			set_icon_theme 'zafiro'

	# Change the main theme to the chosen one
	xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -n -t string -s "$theme"

	# Send notification about the theme change
	notify-send 'Theme Switcher' "$theme theme$panel_notification was enabled"

# Export functions to make them available inside yad
export -f set_icon_theme enable_dark_panels set_theme

# A collection of tooltips that appear when you hover over a theme button
declare -r themes_tooltip=('Grey-Light' 'Grey-Nord' 'Grey-Dark' 'Grey-Dark-Nord' 'Pink-Light' 'Pink-Nord' 'Pink-Dark' 'Pink-Dark-Nord' 'Green-Light' 'Green-Nord' 'Green-Dark' 'Green-Dark-Nord' 'Orange-Light' 'Orange-Nord' 'Orange-Dark' 'Orange-Dark-Nord' 'Purple-Light' 'Purple-Nord' 'Purple-Dark' 'Purple-Dark-Nord' 'Yellow-Light' 'Yellow-Nord' 'Yellow-Dark' 'Yellow-Dark-Nord' 'Teal-Light' 'Teal-Nord' 'Teal-Dark' 'Teal-Dark-Nord (default)')

# Build the command line arguments we need to pass to yad to display the theme buttons
build_cmdline_args() {
	for tooltip in "${themes_tooltip[@]}"; do
		# Stripping the text after space gives you the theme name
		local theme="Colloid-${tooltip% *}"
		local theme_icon_path="$icons_dir/$theme.png"
		printf '%s\n' "--field=!$theme_icon_path!$tooltip:BTN" "set_theme '$theme'"

# Save those arguments to an array named cmdline_args
readarray -t cmdline_args < <(build_cmdline_args)

# Display the GUI interface using yad
yad --no-buttons --center --keep-icon-size --use-interp --title 'TROMjaro Theme Switcher' \
	--text-align=center --text "A Theme Switcher for TROMjaro's default theme-set (Colloid) and icon-set (Zafiro)." \
	--form --columns 7 --css='button:focus:not(:hover) { box-shadow: none; }' \