from std/os import symlinkExists, getConfigDir, walkDirs, `/` from std/envvars import existsEnv, getEnv, delEnv, putEnv from std/options import Option, some, get, isNone from std/strformat import fmt import pkg/owlkettle import ./themes const # Set the directory path where icons are stored iconsDir = "/usr/share/tromjaro-theme-switcher/icons" styleIconsDir = iconsDir / "Styles" accentIconsDir = iconsDir / "Accent Colors" # GTK CSS for overriding the default icon size of buttons gtkCSS = """ .style-button { min-width: 5.5em; min-height: 5em; padding: 0.3em; border-radius: 14%; } .accent-button { -gtk-icon-size: 1.65em; padding: 0.4em; border-radius: 50%; } """ var iconsDirs: seq[string] for dir in walkDirs(accentIconsDir / "*"): iconsDirs.add(dir) # Function prototypes proc makeThemeButton(shadeName: string, styleName: string): Widget proc makeAccentButton(accentColor: string): Widget proc accentButtons(): Widget proc themeButtons(): Widget proc mainGUI(): Widget # Keep track of current theme button var currentTheme = getCurrentTheme() var oldConfigDir: Option[string] configDirChanged: bool # Prevent loading GTK theme from ~/.config/gtk-4.0 directory when it is a symlink if symlinkExists(getConfigDir() / "gtk-4.0"): if existsEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"): oldConfigDir = some(getEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) putEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/dev/null") configDirChanged = true # Display the GTK-4 GUI using owlkettle viewable App: hooks: build: # Reset the user's XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable back to what it was before if configDirChanged == true: if oldConfigDir.isNone(): delEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") else: putEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", get(oldConfigDir)) method view(app: AppState): Widget = result = mainGUI() brew(appID, gui(App()), icons=iconsDirs, stylesheets=[newStylesheet(gtkCSS)]) # Function declarations proc makeThemeButton(shadeName: string, styleName: string): Widget = let shade = if shadeName == "": "" else: fmt"-{shadeName}" style = if styleName == "Default": "" else: fmt"-{styleName}" color = if currentTheme.color in ["Blue", ""]: "" else: fmt"-{currentTheme.color}" themeString = fmt"Colloid{color}{shade}{style}" result = gui: Button: Picture: pixbuf = loadPixbuf(fmt"{styleIconsDir}/Colloid{shade}{style}.svg") tooltip = if shadeName == "": styleName else: fmt"{shadeName}-{styleName}" style = if (shadeName, styleName) == (currentTheme.shade, [StyleClass("style-button"), ButtonSuggested] else: [StyleClass("style-button"), ButtonFlat] proc clicked() = setTheme(themeString) # Highlight this button currentTheme.shade = shadeName = styleName if currentTheme.color == "": currentTheme.color = "Blue" proc makeAccentButton(accentColor: string): Widget = let shade = if currentTheme.shade == "": "" else: fmt"-{currentTheme.shade}" style = if in ["Default", ""]: "" else: fmt"-{}" color = if accentColor == "Blue": "" else: fmt"-{accentColor}" themeString = fmt"Colloid{color}{shade}{style}" result = gui: Button: icon = fmt"{accentColor}{style}{shade}" tooltip = accentColor style = if accentColor == currentTheme.color: [StyleClass("accent-button"), ButtonSuggested] else: [StyleClass("accent-button"), ButtonFlat] proc clicked() = setTheme(themeString) # Highlight this button currentTheme.color = accentColor if == "": = "Default" proc themeButtons(): Widget = gui: # Vertical box Box(orient = OrientY, spacing = 5): for shadeName in themeShades: # Horizontal box Box(orient = OrientX, spacing = 5): for styleName in themeStyles: let themeButton = makeThemeButton(shadeName, styleName) insert(themeButton) {.vAlign: AlignCenter, hAlign: AlignCenter.} proc accentButtons(): Widget = gui: # Horizontal box Box(orient = OrientX, spacing = 3): for accentColor in accentColors: let accentButton = makeAccentButton(accentColor) insert(accentButton) {.vAlign: AlignCenter, hAlign: AlignCenter.} proc mainGUI(): Widget = gui: Window: title = "TROMjaro Theme Switcher" # Shrink window to the smallest size defaultSize = (1, 1) iconName = appLogo # Vertical box Box(orient = OrientY, margin = 13, spacing = 10): Label: useMarkup=true text="STYLE" # Theme buttons insert(themeButtons()) Separator(margin = Margin(top: 5)) {.vAlign: AlignCenter.} Label: useMarkup=true text="ACCENT COLOR" # Accent buttons insert(accentButtons()) Separator(margin = Margin(top: 12)) {.vAlign: AlignCenter.} # Vertical box Box(orient = OrientY): Label: text="A Theme Switcher for TROMjaro's default theme-set (Colloid) and icon-set (Zafiro)." Label {.vAlign: AlignStart.}: useMarkup = true text="NOTE: Some apps need to be reopened for the theme to be applied."