
148 lines
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from std/os import symlinkExists, getConfigDir, `/`, sleep
from std/envvars import existsEnv, getEnv, delEnv, putEnv
from std/options import Option, some, get, isNone
from std/strutils import toLowerAscii, split
import owlkettle, sharedModule
dataDir = "/usr/share/tromjaro-layout-switcher"
iconsDir = dataDir / "icons"
profilesDir = dataDir / "profiles"
# GTK CSS for changing the default icon size and shape of our layout buttons
gtkCSS = """
.layout-button > image {
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(19);
.layout-button {
min-height: 200px;
min-width: 300px;
appID = "com.tromjaro.LayoutSwitcher"
layoutsGrid = [
[ "Windows-Like (default)", "MacOS-Like (experimental)", "MX-Like" ],
[ "Gnome-Like", "Unity-Like (experimental)", "TopX-Like" ]
proc enableTopBarIntegration(): bool =
if not isGlobalMenuEnabled():
# Enable global menu
let exitCode = runCommand("/usr/bin/pkexec", ["/usr/bin/toggle-global-menu", "enable"])
case exitCode
of 0:
of 126:
return false
of 127:
sendNotification(appID, "Layout Switcher", "Authentication failed!")
return false
sendNotification(appID, "Failed installing global menu!", "Make sure that you are not currently installing any apps or updating the system.\nEnabling internet connection might solve the issue.")
return false
# Hide window borders when maximized
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/borderless_maximize", "--create", "--type=bool", "--set=true"])
# Hide top bar of windows when maximized
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/titleless_maximize", "--create", "--type=bool", "--set=true"])
# Put window buttons on left side
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/button_layout", "--create", "--type=string", "--set=CMH|"])
return true
proc disableTopBarIntegration(): bool =
if isGlobalMenuEnabled():
# Disable global menu
let exitCode = runCommand("/usr/bin/pkexec", ["/usr/bin/toggle-global-menu", "disable"])
case exitCode
of 0:
of 126:
return false
of 127:
sendNotification(appID, "Layout Switcher", "Authentication failed!")
sendNotification(appID, "Failed removing global menu!", "Make sure that you are not currently installing any apps or updating the system.")
return false
# Hide window borders when maximized
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/borderless_maximize", "--create", "--type=bool", "--set=true"])
# Don't hide top bar of windows when maximized
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/titleless_maximize", "--create", "--type=bool", "--set=false"])
# Put window buttons on right side
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfconf-query",
args=["--channel=xfwm4", "--property=/general/button_layout", "--create", "--type=string", "--set=|HMC"])
return true
proc enableLayout(layoutName: string) =
case layoutName
of "Windows-Like", "MX-Like", "Gnome-Like", "TopX-Like":
if not disableTopBarIntegration():
of "Unity-Like", "MacOS-Like":
if not enableTopBarIntegration():
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/xfce4-panel-profiles", ["load", profilesDir / layoutName & ".tar.bz2"])
if runCommand("/usr/bin/killall", ["mate-hud"]) == 0:
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/setsid", ["-f", "/usr/lib/mate-hud/mate-hud"])
sendNotification(appID, "Layout Switcher", layoutName & " layout was enabled",
icon = iconsDir / layoutName.toLowerAscii() & "-layout.png")
oldConfigDir: Option[string]
configDirChanged: bool
# Prevent loading GTK theme from ~/.config/gtk-4.0 directory when it is a symlink
if symlinkExists(getConfigDir() / "gtk-4.0"):
if existsEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"):
oldConfigDir = some(getEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))
putEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/dev/null")
configDirChanged = true
viewable App:
# Reset the user's XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable back to what it was before
if configDirChanged == true:
if oldConfigDir.isNone():
putEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", get(oldConfigDir))
method view(app: AppState): Widget =
result = gui:
title = "TROMjaro Layout Switcher"
# Shrink window to the smallest size
defaultSize = (0, 0)
iconName = "tromjaro-layout-switcher"
Box(orient = OrientY, margin = 7, spacing = 5):
Box(orient = OrientX):
Label {.hAlign: AlignEnd.}:
text = "Please use the"
LinkButton {.expand: false.}:
text = "Panel Profiles"
proc clicked() =
discard runCommand("/usr/bin/setsid", ["-f", "/usr/bin/xfce4-panel-profiles"])
Label {.hAlign: AlignStart.}:
text = "to save your current configuration in case you did any manual changes, else you may lose them."
text = "Changing to or from any layout that has global menu will require your admin password."
for row in layoutsGrid:
Box(orient = OrientX, spacing = 5):
for tooltip in row:
let layoutName = tooltip.split(' ', 1)[0]
Button {.vAlign: AlignCenter, hAlign: AlignCenter.}:
icon = layoutName.toLowerAscii() & "-layout"
tooltip = tooltip
style = [ButtonFlat, StyleClass("layout-button")]
proc clicked() =
brew(appID, gui(App()), icons=[iconsDir], stylesheets=[newStylesheet(gtkCSS)])