const Bytes = imports.byteArray const Gio = const GLib = const St = const Main = imports.ui.main const Me = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension() const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience const SETTINGS = Convenience.getSettings() const WM_PREFS = Convenience.getPreferences() const GTK_VERSIONS = [3, 4] const USER_CONFIGS = GLib.get_user_config_dir() function filePath(parts) { const parse = part => part ? part.replace(/^@/, '') : '' const paths = [Me.path].concat(parts).map(parse) return GLib.build_filenamev(paths) } function userStylesPath(version) { return GLib.build_filenamev([USER_CONFIGS, `gtk-${version}.0`, 'gtk.css']) } function fileExists(path) { return GLib.file_test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS) } function getGioFile(path) { const absPath = filePath(path) if (fileExists(absPath)) { return Gio.file_new_for_path(absPath) } } function getFileContents(path) { if (fileExists(path)) { const contents = GLib.file_get_contents(path) return Bytes.toString(contents[1]) } else { return '' } } function setFileContents(path, contents) { if (!fileExists(path)) { const dirname = GLib.path_get_dirname(path) GLib.mkdir_with_parents(dirname, parseInt('0700', 8)) } GLib.file_set_contents(path, contents) } function resetGtkStyles() { GTK_VERSIONS.forEach(version => { const filepath = userStylesPath(version) let style = getFileContents(filepath) style = style.replace(/\/\* UNITE ([\s\S]*?) UNITE \*\/\n/g, '') style = style.replace(/@import.*unite@hardpixel\.eu.*css['"]\);\n/g, '') setFileContents(filepath, style) }) } var Signals = class Signals { constructor() { this.signals = new Map() } registerHandler(object, name, callback) { const uid = GLib.uuid_string_random() const key = `[signal ${name} uuid@${uid}]` this.signals.set(key, { object: object, signalId: object.connect(name, callback) }) return key } hasSignal(key) { return this.signals.has(key) } connect(object, name, callback) { return this.registerHandler(object, name, callback) } disconnect(key) { if (this.hasSignal(key)) { const data = this.signals.get(key) data.object.disconnect(data.signalId) this.signals.delete(key) } } disconnectMany(keys) { keys.forEach(this.disconnect.bind(this)) } disconnectAll() { for (const key of this.signals.keys()) { this.disconnect(key) } } } var Settings = class Settings extends Signals { getSettingObject(key) { if (SETTINGS.exists(key)) { return SETTINGS } else { return WM_PREFS } } connect(name, callback) { const object = this.getSettingObject(name) return this.registerHandler(object, `changed::${name}`, callback) } get(key) { const object = this.getSettingObject(key) return object.getSetting(key) } } var Feature = class Feature { constructor(setting, callback) { this._settingsKey = setting this._checkActive = callback } } var Features = class Features { constructor() { this.features = [] this.settings = new Settings() } add(klass) { const feature = new klass() this.features.push(feature) const setting = feature._settingsKey const checkCb = feature._checkActive feature.activated = false const isActive = () => { return, this.settings.get(setting)) } const onChange = () => { const active = isActive() if (active && !feature.activated) { feature.activated = true return feature.activate() } if (!active && feature.activated) { feature.activated = false return feature.destroy() } } feature._doActivate = () => { this.settings.connect(setting, onChange.bind(feature)) onChange() } feature._doDestroy = () => { if (feature.activated) { feature.destroy() feature.activated = false } } } activate() { this.features.forEach(feature => feature._doActivate()) } destroy() { this.features.forEach(feature => feature._doDestroy()) this.settings.disconnectAll() } } class ShellStyle { constructor(path) { this.file = getGioFile(path) } get context() { return St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage) } get theme() { return this.context.get_theme() } load() { this.theme.load_stylesheet(this.file) } unload() { this.theme.unload_stylesheet(this.file) } } class WidgetStyle { constructor(widget, style) { this.widget = widget = style } get existing() { return this.widget.get_style() || '' } load() { const style = this.existing + this.widget.set_style(style) } unload() { const style = this.existing.replace(, '') this.widget.set_style(style) } } class GtkStyle { constructor(version, name, data) { const content = this.parse(data, version) this.filepath = userStylesPath(version) this.contents = `/* UNITE ${name} */\n${content}\n/* ${name} UNITE */\n` } get existing() { return getFileContents(this.filepath) } parse(data, ver) { if (data.startsWith('@/')) { const path = filePath(['styles', `gtk${ver}`, data]) return `@import url('${path}');` } else { return data } } load() { const style = this.contents + this.existing setFileContents(this.filepath, style) } unload() { const style = this.existing.replace(this.contents, '') setFileContents(this.filepath, style) } } class GtkStyles { constructor(name, data, versions) { const items = [].concat(versions).filter(ver => GTK_VERSIONS.includes(ver)) this.styles = => new GtkStyle(ver, name, data)) } load() { this.styles.forEach(style => style.load()) } unload() { this.styles.forEach(style => style.unload()) } } var Styles = class Styles { constructor() { this.styles = new Map() } hasStyle(name) { return name && this.styles.has(name) } getStyle(name) { return name && this.styles.get(name) } setStyle(name, object, ...args) { if (!this.hasStyle(name)) { const style = new object(...args) style.load() this.styles.set(name, style) } } deleteStyle(name) { if (this.hasStyle(name)) { const style = this.getStyle(name) style.unload() this.styles.delete(name) } } addShellStyle(name, data) { if (data.startsWith('@/')) { this.deleteStyle(name) this.setStyle(name, ShellStyle, data) } else { this.addWidgetStyle(name, Main.uiGroup, data) } } addWidgetStyle(name, widget, styles) { this.deleteStyle(name) this.setStyle(name, WidgetStyle, widget, styles) } addGtkStyle(name, contents, versions = GTK_VERSIONS) { this.deleteStyle(name) this.setStyle(name, GtkStyles, name, contents, versions) } removeAll() { for (const key of this.styles.keys()) { this.deleteStyle(key) } } } resetGtkStyles()