'use strict'; // User Menu and Volume Indicator const AggregateMenu = imports.ui.main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu; const VolumeIndicator = AggregateMenu._volume; // Scroll Signal Id var _onScrollEventId = 0; function init() { } function enable() { // Make the User Menu indicator box reactive so it emits ::scroll-event AggregateMenu._indicators.reactive = true; // Connect the same handler from the volume indicator to ::scroll-event _onScrollEventId = AggregateMenu._indicators.connect( 'scroll-event', VolumeIndicator.vfunc_scroll_event.bind(VolumeIndicator) ); } function disable() { // Undo the above if (_onScrollEventId) { AggregateMenu._indicators.reactive = false; AggregateMenu._indicators.disconnect(_onScrollEventId); _onScrollEventId = 0; } }