#! /bin/bash # add them ti .local/bin # then add a simple launcher # with their names and select # to use the terminal FILE1=/usr/lib/vala-panel/appmenu-registrar FILE2=/usr/lib/vala-panel/appmenu-registrar.OFF if [ -f "$FILE1" ]; then ## Disable Global Menu sudo mv "$FILE1" "$FILE2" || exit xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/plugin-3/plugins/plugin-3/compact-mode -n -t bool -s true killall appmenu-registrar rofi -e 'Disabling the top menu Please wait...' & ## Reset panels and windows xfce4-panel -r & xfwm4 --replace & xfce4-panel & sleep 4 && notify-send 'Top menu DISABLED !' 'Restart your computer in order for this to work properly!' elif [ -f "$FILE2" ]; then ## Enable Global Menu sudo mv "$FILE2" "$FILE1" || exit xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/plugin-3/plugins/plugin-3/compact-mode -n -t bool -s false rofi -e 'Enabling the top menu Please wait...' & ## Reset panels and windows xfce4-panel -r & xfwm4 --replace & xfce4-panel & sleep 4 && notify-send 'The top menu ENABLED !' 'Restart your computer in order for this to work properly!' else notify-send 'ERROR: is the Global Menu installed ?' fi