const Lang = imports.lang; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const St =; const Clutter =; const Gtk =; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extension-do-not-disturb'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Me = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Lib = Me.imports.lib; /** * A class which handles the UI of the do not disturb toggle. */ class DoNotDisturbToggle { /** * Represents a do not disturb toggle in the calendar/notification popup. * @constructor */ constructor() { this._connections = []; } /** * Shows the do not disturb toggle in the calendar/notification popup. */ show() { this._clearButton = Main.panel.statusArea.dateMenu._messageList._clearButton; this._calendarBox = this._clearButton.get_parent(); this._clearBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: false, x_expand: true, y_expand: false }); this._disturbToggle = new PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem(_("Do not disturb"));'do-not-disturb');; = false;;;; this._disturbToggle.label.set_y_align(Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER);; this._clearBox.add_actor(; this._clearButton.reparent(this._clearBox); this._clearButton.add_style_class_name('clear-button'); this._calendarBox.add_actor(this._clearBox); } /** * Destroys all UI elements of the toggle and returns the clear button to its proper location. */ destroy() { if (this._disturbToggle) { this._connections.forEach((id) => { this._disturbToggle.disconnect(id); }); this._connections = []; this._disturbToggle.destroy(); this._disturbToggle = 0; } if (this._clearButton) { this._clearButton.reparent(this._calendarBox); this._clearButton.remove_style_class_name('clear-button'); } if (this._clearBox) { this._clearBox.destroy(); this._clearBox = 0; } } /** * Sets the activation state of the toggle. * * @param {boolean} state - The state of the toggle: true for on, false for off. */ setToggleState(state) { if (this._disturbToggle) { this._disturbToggle.setToggleState(state); } } /** * Get the activation state of the toggle. * * @returns {boolean} - True if the toggle is on, false otherwise. */ getToggleState() { if (this._disturbToggle) { return this._disturbToggle._switch.state; } return false; } /** * Calls a function when the toggle state changes. * * @param {() => ()} fn - The function to call when the toggle state changes. */ onToggleStateChanged(fn) { if (this._disturbToggle) { var id = this._disturbToggle.connect("toggled", (item, event) => fn()); this._connections.push(id); } } } /** * A class which handles the UI of the do not disturb status icon. */ class DoNotDisturbIcon { /** * Represents a do not disturb icon in the system status area of the panel. * @constructor */ constructor(settingsManager, notificationCounter) { this._settings = settingsManager; this.notificationCounter = notificationCounter; this._indicatorArea = Main.panel._centerBox; //statusArea.aggregateMenu._indicators; let icon = "notification-disabled-symbolic"; let fallback = "user-busy-symbolic"; this._enabledIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: icon, fallback_icon_name: fallback, style_class: 'popup-menu-icon do-not-disturb-icon' }); this._countLbl = new St.Label(); this.updateCount(0); this._countLbl.add_style_class_name("notification-count"); this._iconBox = new St.BoxLayout(); this._iconBox.add_actor(this._enabledIcon); this._iconBox.add_actor(this._countLbl); this.showDot = this._settings.showDot; this.showCount = this._settings.showCount; this.showIcon = this._settings.shouldShowIcon(); this.shown = false; this.count = this.notificationCounter.notificationCount; this.updateCount(this.count); this._settings.onShowIconChanged(() => { this.showIcon = this._settings.shouldShowIcon(); if (this.shown){ this.hide();; } }); this._settings.onShowCountChanged(() => { this.showCount = this._settings.showCount; this.updateCount(this.count); }); this._settings.onShowDotChanged(() => { this.showDot = this._settings.showDot; this.updateCount(this.count); }); this.notificationListenerID = this.notificationCounter.addNotificationCountListener((count) => { this.updateCount(count); }); } updateCount(newCount){ this.count = newCount; if (newCount == 0){ this._countLbl.add_style_class_name("hide-dot"); } else { if (this.showCount){ this._countLbl.set_text("" + newCount); this._countLbl.remove_style_class_name("hide-dot"); } else if(this.showDot){ this._countLbl.set_text("\u25CF"); this._countLbl.remove_style_class_name("hide-dot"); } else { this._countLbl.add_style_class_name("hide-dot"); } } } /** * Shows the status icon. */ show() { if (this.showIcon){ this._indicatorArea.add_child(this._iconBox);"hide-dot"); } this.shown = true; } /** * Hides the status icon. */ hide() {"hide-dot"); if (this._iconBox.get_parent()) { this._indicatorArea.remove_child(this._iconBox); } this.shown = false; } /** * Destroys the status icon and removes it from the system status area. */ destroy() { if (this._enabledIcon) { if (this._iconBox.get_parent()) { this._indicatorArea.remove_child(this._iconBox); } this._countLbl.destroy(); this._countLbl = 0; this._enabledIcon.destroy(); this._enabledIcon = 0; this._iconBox.destroy(); this._iconBox = 0; } this._settings.disconnectAll(); this.notificationCounter.removeNotificationCountListener(this.notificationListenerID); } } Lib.initTranslations(Me);