const GObject = const St = const Clutter = const GtkSettings = const Main = imports.ui.main const Unite = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension() const AppMenu = Main.panel.statusArea.appMenu const AggMenu = Main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu const Handlers = Unite.imports.handlers const VERSION = Unite.imports.constants.VERSION function actorHasClass(actor, name) { return actor.has_style_class_name && actor.has_style_class_name(name) } function getWidgetArrow(widget) { let arrow = widget._arrow if (!arrow) { const last = widget.get_n_children() - 1 const actor = widget.get_children()[last] if (actor) { if (actorHasClass(actor, 'popup-menu-arrow')) { arrow = actor } else { arrow = getWidgetArrow(actor) } } } if (arrow && !widget.hasOwnProperty('_arrow')) { widget._arrow = arrow } return arrow } function toggleWidgetArrow(widget, hide) { const arrow = widget && getWidgetArrow(widget) if (arrow) { if (hide && !widget._arrowHandled) { arrow.visible = false widget._arrowHandled = true } if (!hide && widget._arrowHandled) { arrow.visible = true delete widget._arrowHandled } } } var LayoutManager = GObject.registerClass( class UniteLayoutManager extends GObject.Object { _init() { this.signals = new Handlers.Signals() this.settings = new Handlers.Settings() this.styles = new Handlers.Styles() this.signals.connect( Main.panel._leftBox, 'actor_added', this._onHideDropdownArrows.bind(this) ) this.signals.connect( Main.panel._centerBox, 'actor_added', this._onHideDropdownArrows.bind(this) ) this.signals.connect( Main.panel._rightBox, 'actor_added', this._onHideDropdownArrows.bind(this) ) this.settings.connect( 'notifications-position', this._onNotificationsChange.bind(this) ) this.settings.connect( 'hide-app-menu-icon', this._onHideAppMenuIcon.bind(this) ) if (VERSION < 40) { this.settings.connect( 'hide-app-menu-arrow', this._onHideAppMenuArrow.bind(this) ) this.settings.connect( 'hide-aggregate-menu-arrow', this._onHideAggMenuArrow.bind(this) ) this.settings.connect( 'hide-dropdown-arrows', this._onHideDropdownArrows.bind(this) ) } this.settings.connect( 'reduce-panel-spacing', this._onChangeStyles.bind(this) ) if (VERSION < 36) { this.settings.connect( 'use-system-fonts', this._onChangeStyles.bind(this) ) this.signals.connect( GtkSettings, 'notify::gtk-font-name', this._onChangeStyles.bind(this) ) } } _onNotificationsChange() { const setting = this.settings.get('notifications-position') if (setting != 'center') { const context = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage) const banner = Main.messageTray._bannerBin const mappings = { left: 'START', right: 'END' } const position = mappings[setting] banner.set_x_align(Clutter.ActorAlign[position]) banner.set_width(390 * context.scale_factor) } else { this._resetNotifications() } } _onHideAppMenuIcon() { const setting = this.settings.get('hide-app-menu-icon') if (setting) { AppMenu._iconBox.hide() } else { this._resetAppMenuIcon() } } _onHideAppMenuArrow() { const setting = this.settings.get('hide-app-menu-arrow') if (setting) { toggleWidgetArrow(AppMenu, true) } else { this._resetAppMenuArrow() } } _onHideAggMenuArrow() { const setting = this.settings.get('hide-aggregate-menu-arrow') if (setting) { toggleWidgetArrow(AggMenu, true) } else { this._resetAggMenuArrow() } } _onHideDropdownArrows() { const setting = this.settings.get('hide-dropdown-arrows') if (setting) { for (const [name, widget] of Object.entries(Main.panel.statusArea)) { if (name != 'aggregateMenu' && name != 'appMenu') { toggleWidgetArrow(widget, true) } } } else { this._resetDropdownArrows() } } _onChangeStyles() { const fonts = this.settings.get('use-system-fonts') const space = this.settings.get('reduce-panel-spacing') this._resetStyles() if (VERSION < 36 && fonts) { const font = GtkSettings.gtk_font_name.replace(/\s\d+$/, '') this.styles.addWidgetStyle('uiGroup', Main.uiGroup, `font-family: ${font};`) this.styles.addWidgetStyle('panel', Main.panel, 'font-size: 11.25pt;') } if (space) { Main.panel._addStyleClassName('small-spacing') } if (VERSION < 34) { Main.panel._addStyleClassName('extra-spacing') } this._syncStyles() } _resetNotifications() { const banner = Main.messageTray._bannerBin banner.set_x_align(Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER) banner.set_width(-1) } _resetAppMenuIcon() { } _resetAppMenuArrow() { toggleWidgetArrow(AppMenu, false) } _resetAggMenuArrow() { toggleWidgetArrow(AggMenu, false) } _resetDropdownArrows() { for (const [name, widget] of Object.entries(Main.panel.statusArea)) { if (name != 'aggregateMenu' && name != 'appMenu') { toggleWidgetArrow(widget, false) } } } _resetStyles() { Main.panel._removeStyleClassName('small-spacing') Main.panel._removeStyleClassName('extra-spacing') this.styles.deleteStyle('uiGroup') this.styles.deleteStyle('panel') } // Fix for panel spacing not applied until mouse-over // Issue: _syncStyles() { const space = this.settings.get('reduce-panel-spacing') if (VERSION >= 34 && space) { Object.values(Main.panel.statusArea).forEach((item) => { if (item !== null) { item.add_style_pseudo_class('hover') item.remove_style_pseudo_class('hover') } }) } } activate() { this._onNotificationsChange() this._onHideAppMenuIcon() if (VERSION < 40) { this._onHideAppMenuArrow() this._onHideAggMenuArrow() this._onHideDropdownArrows() } this._onChangeStyles() } destroy() { this._resetNotifications() this._resetAppMenuIcon() if (VERSION < 40) { this._resetAppMenuArrow() this._resetAggMenuArrow() this._resetDropdownArrows() } this._resetStyles() this._syncStyles() this.signals.disconnectAll() this.settings.disconnectAll() this.styles.removeAll() } } )