// Tweaks-system-menu - Put Gnome Tweaks in the system menu. // Copyright (C) 2019 Philippe Troin (F-i-f on Github) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain(Me.metadata['gettext-domain']); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Logger = Me.imports.logger; const TweaksSystemMenuSettings = GObject.registerClass(class TweaksSystemMenuSettings extends Gtk.Grid { setup() { this.margin_top = 12; this.margin_bottom = this.margin_top; this.margin_left = 48; this.margin_right = this.margin_left; this.row_spacing = 6; this.column_spacing = this.row_spacing; this.orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL; this._settings = Convenience.getSettings(); this._logger = new Logger.Logger('Tweaks-System-Menu'); this._logger.set_debug(this._settings.get_boolean('debug')); let ypos = 1; let descr; this.title_label = new Gtk.Label({ use_markup: true, label: '' +_('Tweaks in System Menu')+'', hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER }); this.attach(this.title_label, 1, ypos, 2, 1); ypos += 1; this.version_label = new Gtk.Label({ use_markup: true, label: ''+_('Version') + ' ' + this._logger.get_version() + '', hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER, }); this.attach(this.version_label, 1, ypos, 2, 1); ypos += 1; this.version_label = new Gtk.Label({ use_markup: true, label: '' + Me.metadata.url + '', hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER, margin_bottom: this.margin_bottom }); this.attach(this.version_label, 1, ypos, 2, 1); ypos += 1; descr = _(this._settings.settings_schema.get_key('merge-with-settings') .get_description()); this.merge_ws_label = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Merge both Settings and Tweaks:"), hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.START }); this.merge_ws_label.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.merge_ws_control = new Gtk.Switch({ hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END }); this.merge_ws_control.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.merge_ws_label.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.attach(this.merge_ws_label, 1, ypos, 1, 1); this.attach(this.merge_ws_control, 2, ypos, 1, 1); this._settings.bind('merge-with-settings', this.merge_ws_control, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); ypos += 1; let sschema = this._settings.settings_schema.get_key('position'); descr = _(sschema.get_description()); this.position_label = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Button position:"), hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.START }); this.position_label.set_tooltip_text(descr); let position_range = sschema.get_range().deep_unpack()[1].deep_unpack() this.position_control = new Gtk.SpinButton({ adjustment: new Gtk.Adjustment({ lower: position_range[0], upper: position_range[1], step_increment: 1 }), hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END }); this.position_control.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.attach(this.position_label, 1, ypos, 1, 1); this.attach(this.position_control, 2, ypos, 1, 1); this._settings.bind('position', this.position_control, 'value', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); ypos += 1; descr = _(this._settings.settings_schema.get_key('debug') .get_description()); this.debug_label = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Debug:"), hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.START }); this.debug_label.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.debug_control = new Gtk.Switch({ hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END }); this.debug_control.set_tooltip_text(descr); this.attach(this.debug_label, 1, ypos, 1, 1); this.attach(this.debug_control, 2, ypos, 1, 1); this._settings.bind('debug', this.debug_control, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); ypos += 1; this.version_label = new Gtk.Label({ use_markup: true, label: '' + _('Copyright © 2019 Philippe Troin (F-i-f on GitHub)') + '', hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER, margin_top: this.margin_bottom }); this.attach(this.version_label, 1, ypos, 2, 1); ypos += 1; } }); function init() { Convenience.initTranslations(); } function buildPrefsWidget() { let widget = new TweaksSystemMenuSettings(); widget.setup(); widget.show_all(); return widget; }