false Preference to show the chooser when only one device is available Value set to false hides the device chooser when only one device is available true Preference to show the available profiles for all devices Value set to true displays the individual available profiles for each device true Preference to expand volume menu to fit the name of the sound devices Value set to true expands the volume menu to fit the names of sound devices displayed in the selector true Preference to use monochrome icons instead of default icons Value set to true uses monochrome icons true Preference to show input slider always Value set to true displays the slider control for input device volume true Preference to show input device chooser Value set to true displays the device chooser for input devices true Preference to show output device chooser Value set to true displays the device chooser for output devices "[]" Preference to hide/show different ports always "monochrome" Preference indicating the type of icons used by the extension Value can be "colored", "monochrome", "none", etc. false Preference indicating whether the icons are hidden in the drop-down menu (but are visible in the expanded list). false Preference indicating log messages should be written to console true Preference to enable new logic to identify port profiles