#! /bin/sh ##Common files manjaro=/usr/share/icons/manjaro/maia/maia.svg warning=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/40x40/status/check-warning.png ##Check theme if [[ ! -e /$HOME/.config/check-gdm-theme ]]; then while gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme | grep -E 'Maia|Breath'; do sleep 30 done ##Warning window yad --title="WARNING" --window-icon=$manjaro --on-top --center --image=$warning --width=475 --fixed --text=" We have detected a change in the Gnome theme. If new theme not working correctly remove this package via pacman or pamac manjaro-gdm-theme Note: this pop up will only be shown once" --text-align=left --button="Ok"; touch /$HOME/.config/check-gdm-theme fi exit 0