const GObject =; const Gtk =; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('appfolders-manager'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience; //----------------------------------------------- const appfoldersManagerSettingsWidget = new GObject.Class({ Name: 'appfoldersManager.Prefs.Widget', GTypeName: 'appfoldersManagerPrefsWidget', Extends: Gtk.Box, _init: function (params) { this.parent(params); this.margin = 30; this.spacing = 18; this.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL); this._settings = Convenience.getSettings(''); this._settings.set_boolean('debug', this._settings.get_boolean('debug')); //---------------------------- let labelMain = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Modifications will be effective after reloading the extension."), use_markup: true, wrap: true, halign: Gtk.Align.START }); this.add(labelMain); let generalSection = this.add_section(_("Main settings")); let categoriesSection = this.add_section(_("Categories")); //---------------------------- // let autoDeleteBox = this.build_switch('auto-deletion', // _("Delete automatically empty folders")); let deleteAllBox = this.build_switch('total-deletion', _("Delete all related settings when an appfolder is deleted")); let menusBox = this.build_switch('extend-menus', _("Use the right-click menus in addition to the drag-and-drop")); // this.add_row(autoDeleteBox, generalSection); this.add_row(deleteAllBox, generalSection); this.add_row(menusBox, generalSection); //------------------------- let categoriesBox = this.build_switch('categories', _("Use categories")); let categoriesLinkButton = new Gtk.LinkButton({ label: _("More informations about \"additional categories\""), uri: "" }); this.add_row(categoriesBox, categoriesSection); this.add_row(categoriesLinkButton, categoriesSection); //------------------------- let aboutBox = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 10 }); let about_label = new Gtk.Label({ label: '(v' + Me.metadata.version.toString() + ')', halign: Gtk.Align.START }); let url_button = new Gtk.LinkButton({ label: _("Report bugs or ideas"), uri: Me.metadata.url.toString() }); aboutBox.pack_start(url_button, false, false, 0); aboutBox.pack_end(about_label, false, false, 0); this.pack_end(aboutBox, false, false, 0); //------------------------- let desacLabel = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("This extension can be deactivated once your applications are organized as wished."), wrap: true, halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER }); this.pack_end(desacLabel, false, false, 0); }, add_section: function (titre) { let section = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, margin: 6, spacing: 6, }); let frame = new Gtk.Frame({ label: titre, label_xalign: 0.1, }); frame.add(section); this.add(frame); return section; }, add_row: function (filledbox, section) { section.add(filledbox); }, build_switch: function (key, label) { let rowLabel = new Gtk.Label({ label: label, halign: Gtk.Align.START, wrap: true, visible: true, }); let rowSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER }); rowSwitch.set_state(this._settings.get_boolean(key)); rowSwitch.connect('notify::active', (widget) => { this._settings.set_boolean(key,; }); let rowBox = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 15, margin: 6, visible: true, }); rowBox.pack_start(rowLabel, false, false, 0); rowBox.pack_end(rowSwitch, false, false, 0); return rowBox; }, }); //----------------------------------------------- function init() { Convenience.initTranslations(); } //I guess this is like the "enable" in extension.js : something called each //time he user try to access the settings' window function buildPrefsWidget () { let widget = new appfoldersManagerSettingsWidget(); widget.show_all(); return widget; }