rokosun fb3b3e1cf5 Clean code and useful comments
Changed a lot of things but mostly to make the code easy to read and understand.
2023-02-04 08:33:57 +01:00

115 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

# Exit out if the same script is already running in the background
pidof -sq -o %PPID -x "$(basename "$0")" && exit
# Setting read-only variables
declare -r \
datadir="$HOME"/.local/share/fix-zombie-appicons \
backup_dir="$datadir"/backup \
# Directories where desktop files are stored
declare -r home_local_applications_dir="$HOME/.local/share/applications" \
# All the other directories except home_local_applications_dir where desktop files are stored
declare -r other_applications_dirs=(
# Create tempfile which is used by the fix_desktop_files function
trap 'rm $tempfile' EXIT # Delete tempfile when the script exits
declare -r tempfile
# This function will check for new desktop files in home_local_applications_dir and
# record them in datafile if the same file is found in any of the other_applications_dirs.
detect_new_desktop_files() {
for file in "$home_local_applications_dir"/*.desktop; do
# This is added as a failsafe to ensure its a file and not a directory
[ -d "$file" ] && continue
filename=$(basename "$file")
# Continue looping if the filename is already recorded in the datafile
grep -xq "$filename" "$datafile" && continue
# If the same file is present in any of the other_applications_dirs then add its filename to datafile
for dir in "${other_applications_dirs[@]}"; do
[ -f "$dir/$filename" ] && echo "$filename" >> "$datafile" && break
# The following function will:
# 1. Go through all the files recorded in datafile and move them to backup_dir if
# the same file is not found in other_applications_dirs anymore.
# 2. Go through all the bakked up files in backup_dir and move them back to
# its original_file_path if the same file is present in any of
# the other_applications_dirs. This will not overwrite if a new
# file already exists at original_file_path.
fix_desktop_files() {
# This is added as a failsafe to avoid overwriting datafile in case the file got edited during this period
local -r last_modified_time=$(stat -c "%Y" "$datafile")
# Copy datafile to tempfile because its not possible to directly edit the file inside a while-read loop
[ -f "$datafile" ] && cp "$datafile" "$tempfile" && local -r datafile_copied='true'
local -i line_number=0
# Loop through each line in datafile
[ "$datafile_copied" = 'true' ] && while IFS='' read -r filename; do
# If the file don't exist anymore then remove the line from datafile (as tempfile) and continue looping
[ -f "$file" ] || { sed -i "${line_number}d" "$tempfile" && line_number+=-1 ; continue; }
# If the same file is not present in any of the other_applications_dirs then move the file to backup_dir
unset file_exists
for dir in "${other_applications_dirs[@]}"; do
[ -f "$dir/$filename" ] && file_exists='true' && break
[ "$file_exists" != 'true' ] && mv "$file" "$backup_dir/$filename.bak"
done < "$datafile"
# Write the contents from tempfile back to datafile after sorting and removing duplicate lines
[ "$datafile_copied" = 'true' ] && [ "$(stat -c '%Y' "$datafile")" = "$last_modified_time" ] && sort -u "$tempfile" > "$datafile"
for bakfile in "$backup_dir"/*.desktop.bak; do
filename=$(basename "${bakfile%.bak}")
# Continue looping if a new file is already present at the original_file_path,
# this will prevent the backup from overwriting the new file
[ -f "$original_file_path" ] && continue
# If the same bakked up file is present in any of the other_applications_dirs then move it back to its original_file_path
for dir in "${other_applications_dirs[@]}"; do
[ -f "$dir/$filename" ] && mv "$bakfile" "$original_file_path" && break
# Create some directories in the user's home directory if they don't already exist
mkdir -p "$backup_dir" "$home_local_applications_dir" "$home_local_flatpak_applications_dir" ||
{ echo "failed to make directories $backup_dir, $home_local_applications_dir & $home_local_flatpak_applications_dir"; exit 1; }
# Check which directories currently exist on the user's system so that inotifywait can monitor them for changes
for dir in "$home_local_applications_dir" "${other_applications_dirs[@]}"; do
[ -d "$dir" ] && existing_dirs+=("$dir")
# Both functions will be run once when the script first starts
# Inotifywait monitors existing_dirs and the functions are run each time when there is a change in relevant directories
while IFS='' read -r line; do
if [ "$line" = "$home_local_applications_dir/" ]; then
done < <(inotifywait -qm --format '%w' --include '\.desktop$' -e 'move,move_self,create,delete,delete_self,unmount' "${existing_dirs[@]}")