rokosun 0600a8f119 Don't set the XFWM theme twice
Now the script won't set the XFWM theme twice on hiDPI systems every time the user changes their theme.
Also replaced read only variables inside loops with mutable ones.
2023-10-25 12:52:28 +02:00

205 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

# Exit out if the same script is already running in the background
pidof -sq -o %PPID -x "$(basename "$0")" && exit
# Set the directory/file paths
declare -r flatpak_themes_dir="$HOME/.themes"
declare -r config_dir="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"
declare -r profile="$HOME/.profile"
# Create directories if they don't exist
mkdir -p "$flatpak_themes_dir" "$config_dir" ||
{ echo "failed to make directories $flatpak_themes_dir & $config_dir"; exit 1; }
# Enable option for syncing the current theme with XFWM theme if not already enabled
[ "$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xfce/SyncThemes)" != 'true' ] &&
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xfce/SyncThemes -n -t bool -s true
xdg_directory_lookup() {
# Go through each item in $XDG_DATA_DIRS and find the subdirectory $1
while read -r dir; do
local subdir="${dir%/}/$1"
if [ -d "$subdir" ]; then
echo "$subdir"
done < <(printf '%s:%s\n' "$HOME/.local/share" "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" | tr ':' '\n')
theme_exists() {
local -r theme_dir=$(xdg_directory_lookup "themes/$1")
[ -d "$theme_dir" ]
# Function for setting variables in ~/.profile
profile_set_variable() {
# Return if the variable is already set to the correct value
grep -xq "\s*export\s\+$1=$2\s*" "$profile" && return
# If the variable is set to a different value then remove that line
grep -q "^\s*export\s\+$1=" "$profile" && sed -i "/^\s*export\s\+$1=/d" "$profile"
# Set the variable to the correct value under a comment mentioning this script
if grep -xq '\s*#\s*Values set by the fix-theming script\s*' "$profile"; then
sed -i "/^\s*#\s*Values set by the fix-theming script\s*$/a export $1=$2" "$profile"
elif grep -q '\s' "$profile"; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
tail -n1 "$profile" | grep -qx '\s*' &&
local -r begin='' || local -r begin='\n'
printf '%b# Values set by the fix-theming script\nexport %s=%s\n' "$begin" "$1" "$2" >> "$profile"
printf '# Values set by the fix-theming script\nexport %s=%s\n' "$1" "$2" > "$profile"
set_QT_scaling() {
profile_set_variable "$var" "$1"
set_cursor_size() {
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/CursorThemeSize -s "$1"
set_xfwm_theme() {
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -n -t string -s "$1"
# Use the highDPI variant of the XFWM theme
use_hdpi_theme_variant() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
[ -n "$1" ] && local -r xfwm_theme="$1" ||
local -r xfwm_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)
for variant in xhdpi hdpi; do
# If this variant of the theme is already enabled then break out of the loop
[ "${xfwm_theme##*-}" = "$variant" ] && break
# Store the name for this variant of the theme in highDPI_theme variable
local highDPI_theme=$xfwm_theme-$variant
if theme_exists "$highDPI_theme"; then
set_xfwm_theme "$highDPI_theme"
[ -z "$1" ] &&
notify-send "XFWM theme changed to $highDPI_theme" "Changed to the highDPI variant of your chosen theme because you've enabled highDPI on your system"
if ! theme_exists "$highDPI_theme"; then
[ -n "$1" ] && theme_exists "$1" && set_xfwm_theme "$1"
# Use the normal variant of the XFWM theme
use_normal_theme_variant() {
local -r current_xfwm_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)
for variant in xhdpi hdpi; do
# Continue looping if this (highDPI) variant of the theme is not enabled
[ "${current_xfwm_theme##*-}" != "$variant" ] && continue
# Store the name for the normal variant of this theme in normal_theme variable
local normal_theme=${current_xfwm_theme%-"$variant"}
if theme_exists "$normal_theme"; then
set_xfwm_theme "$normal_theme"
notify-send "XFWM theme changed to $normal_theme" "Changed to the normal variant of your chosen theme because you've disabled highDPI on your system"
# Change XFWM theme, QT apps scaling, and mouse cursor size according to
# the user's current window scaling (highDPI setting)
hdpi_theme_fix() {
local -r current_window_scaling=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gdk/WindowScalingFactor)
local -r current_cursor_size=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/CursorThemeSize)
unset logout_required
if [ "$current_window_scaling" -eq '2' ]; then
# Increase scaling for QT apps
set_QT_scaling 2
# Use the highDPI variant of the XFWM theme
if [ "$current_cursor_size" -eq 25 ]; then
set_cursor_size '45'
notify-send 'Mouse cursor size increased to 45' "Changed to a larger mouse cursor because you've enabled highDPI on your system"
# Decrease scaling for QT apps
set_QT_scaling 1
# Use the normal variant of the XFWM theme
if [ "$current_cursor_size" -eq 45 ]; then
set_cursor_size '25'
notify-send 'Mouse cursor size decreased to 25' "Changed to a smaller mouse cursor because you've disabled highDPI on your system"
# Show popup menu about logout if it's required
[ "$logout_required" = 'true' ] &&
yad --image "dialog-question" --title "Alert" --buttons-layout=center --text-align=center --button=yad-yes:0 --button=yad-no:1 --text 'Logout is required in order to apply your DPI preferences to QT apps.\nWould you like to logout now?' &&
xfce4-session-logout --logout
sync_theme() {
# Get the current system theme
local -r current_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName)
# Get the current window scaling factor (highDPI setting)
local -r current_window_scaling=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gdk/WindowScalingFactor)
# Apply the current theme with gsettings
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "$current_theme"
# Apply the current theme for GTK and Libadwaita apps on flatpak
flatpak override --user --env=GTK_THEME="$current_theme"
# Apply the current theme for XFWM unless it's initial_sync on system reboot
if [ "$1" != 'initial_sync' ]; then
# Use the highDPI variant of the XFWM theme if the current_window_scaling factor is 2
if [ "$current_window_scaling" -eq '2' ]; then
use_hdpi_theme_variant "$current_theme"
set_xfwm_theme "$current_theme"
# Cleanup flatpak_themes_dir and remove ~/.config/gtk-4.0
rm -rf "${flatpak_themes_dir:?}"/{*,.*} "$config_dir/gtk-4.0"
# Find the directory where the current theme is stored
local -r current_theme_dir=$(xdg_directory_lookup "themes/$current_theme")
if [ -d "$current_theme_dir" ]; then
# Copy/sync current_theme_dir to flatpak_themes_dir
rsync -av --delete --progress "$current_theme_dir" "$flatpak_themes_dir"
# Create symlink for gtk-4.0 directory
ln -s "$current_theme_dir/gtk-4.0" "$config_dir"
sync_font() {
# Get the current system font
local -r current_font=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName)
# Apply the same font for the title of XFCE windows
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/title_font -n -t string -s "$current_font"
# Initial synchronization
sync_theme 'initial_sync'
# Monitor when the user changes their system theme/icons/font in XFCE and sync them as needed
while read -r line; do
case "$line" in
'set: /Net/ThemeName') sync_theme ;;
'set: /Gdk/WindowScalingFactor') hdpi_theme_fix ;;
'set: /Gtk/FontName') sync_font ;;
done < <(xfconf-query -c xsettings -m)